This weekend was awesome. Not only did I have a great time, but I saw a lot of people that I don't usually get to see, plus I stayed "on track" for the most part.
Friday night, the hubs and I stayed up talking to my father in law, during which I learned a few things about the hubs' biological parents. I know very little about them, and as we venture into the "we might start thinking about having a child" world, that information is precious to me.
Saturday I stumbled out of bed early enough to run a mile - which I've never done in the mornings. I usually end up walking some of it, so I'm proud of myself for running a mile straight at 0700. Then I went out to breakfast with some former coworkers and four young children. The kiddos were actually very well behaved, but it was intense for me to be surrounded by such an abundance of them. (This is where I backed up out of the "we might start thinking about having a child" world and enjoyed getting into my car sans little person in a car seat.)
After breakfast we met up with our pale friends for a few hours on the pontoon boat to relax. I could do that every single weekend if I had a house-cleaner. The weekends are usually my work-on-the-house time, so I feel guilty just sitting on my butt or floating in the water. But sometimes it's worth it. I didn't drink much, and at fairly well so I didn't feel bad one bit about soaking up some sun with friends.
Saturday night we went to a retirement party for the coach that hubs played for and then coached with. It ended up being much more fun that we thought it would be and was great to catch up with that group of people that we rarely see since we moved.
Yesterday the hubs cooked ribs for my parents and we got the pup back home safely. We think he might have pulled a muscle playing with the dog next door to my parents because he's having a hard time jumping up on the couch, but hopefully he'll get over it. He seems fine otherwise.
I hope your weekend was just as good!!