Why I do what I do

I started blogging in 2001 - way before it was cool, and way before people even know what a "blog" was. It was weblog back then, and I was blogging to keep in touch with all the people who didn't go to college with me.

And I looked like this:
Since then, I've grown up a lot and now I blog about what is important to me - being healthy. The hubs and I started a family and I do not want my child to go through what I went through in high school - being overweight and under-happy. So to set a good example for our kiddos and to be on this planet as long as possible, I'm doing my best to make myself healthy. I still feel like I could lose a little bit of weight, but it's not so much about weight any more. It's about living life to the fullest and eating "real" food. If I happen to convince you of one or two things along the way, so be it.

By the way, unless otherwise noted, all photos on this blog are mine. Don't steal.