
Lost my focus

I'm not sure if it's the weather change or the business at work taking a toll on my mental state, but I have seriously slacked on working out lately. Most of the fall I was in a pretty good groove of running with my sister and working out at home, but lately I just sit on my butt all evening.

I finally worked up the guts to step on the scale last Friday to see what the damage was. It was bad, but not as bad as I was expecting. Now that the holidays are almost here, it will be even harder for me to stay focused. All those pies and cookies and candies are my downfall.

I did walk a mile tonight and lift some weights, but I really need to be doing this every day. I know what I need to do, I just need to motivate myself to do it!


Lisa M said...

I was having trouble with the motivation for a while, but now I'm in Weight Watchers and I'm paying someone to be my personal trainer so that I'm required to show up at the gym.

You've done well before and you'll do it again. Everyone has those unmotivated periods. You and I know that being thin "tastes" even better than Christmas sweets.

Sarah with a Sweet Tooth said...

That's a good way to think about it!! I wish I would have thought of that today when I ate a cinnamon roll in a meeting.

Lizard said...

FYI: new e-mail sucks, leaving for chicago in the morning. fil is going ot deer camp. no boots @macy's, but shoes are cheaper. catch you up next wk.