
Kick it up a notch

I'm thinking it's time for double workout duty. I'm not really dropping any LBs or motivated to stop eating, which is the best way for me to lose weight fast. I know this about myself, yet I continue to have little willpower - especially when it comes to sweets. Today, we had a birthday at work and I ate a piece of lemon cheesecake-y stuff (I don't even like lemon!).

To make up for that, I went to both kettlebell and yoga class today. My legs were already shaky from kbell, and to do warrior pose in yoga was amazingly difficult, but it felt good at the same time.

Tomorrow, I hope I can make yoga on my lunch hour (as long as no meetings come up at work) and then either run outside or go to spinning if it's rainy out. I do hope it rains though, we put down some sod as part of our Project Curb Appeal this weekend.

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