
30 weeks

This has been a busy week for us baby-wise. I put together the stroller and car seat, and picked up the crib. The dresser is almost ready to come back in from being stained in the garage. I had an ultrasound yesterday and was able to get some 3D images of our little man.

He has tons of hair and I'm pretty sure he has my mouth! I had this fear that he would look exactly like the hubs and people wouldn't even know I was part of this process.

We are also attending birth class this weekend. I know the hubs is really looking forward to that one!

29 weeks

I weighed in this morning at 234. At my last doctor visit I weighed 235 on her scale Nov. 3. I am pretty pleased with myself the past few weeks. However, it is getting more and more difficult to sleep for more than a few hours at a time due to all of the hip and back pain, and pillows in the bed.

I think the only one of us who likes all of the pillows in the bed is the dog!


Nesting project #2

Because our house was built in the late 1990s, we had a plethora of brass finishes when we moved in. We have slowly been updating them to more modern styles, and the fireplace was no exception. This is what it looked like before - actually on the day we moved in.

This is not a huge project, but my mom and I both needed to paint the brass off of our fireplaces, so we split a little can of high-heat black paint. Before painting, I scuffed up the brass with an SOS pad.

Here's what it looks like now.

While it may not look that different online, it makes me happy to not see the dated brass every time we are in the living room.

(And I did wear a mask while painting and had a fan on to keep the fumes to a minimum.)


28 weeks

This morning I weighed in at 231. That's down a pound in case you are keeping track!! I'm hoping that's just from all of the walking I've been doing every night. I have a route around our neighborhood that is 1.6 miles. I'm not moving very fast, but at least I'm trucking along.

I had my first shower last weekend and we now have a queen-sized bed full of baby things. I'm scared to open them/put them away because I'm not sure what I should keep versus what I should return. So, for now, they will stay in piles according to their gift receipt. After my next shower, I'll evaluate and make decisions. Speaking of decisions, I'm finding it more difficult to make them. I'm usually pretty quick to decide what I want, but there are just too many options out there for everything!! I've spent the last two evenings crawling the internet, reading reviews and searching for the best price on a car seat/stroller travel system and a pack'n play/bassinet combo. I know that I want to have a two-fer if it's available so I don't have to buy as much stuff (and then store it later). So a pack'n play with a bassinet can pull double duty and not have me buy a bassinet at all. Seem silly if you are only going to use it for a few months to purchase two things.

On another note, this weekend is our 5-year wedding anniversary!! I wish I could celebrate with some wine, but we are already planning a trip to stay at a winery that has cabins next spring, so I'll just have to wait.

27 weeks

I weighed in this morning at 232. I have been on the treadmill most days after work and I lifted 2x this week with my 8lb hand weights to begin working my guns up to carry my XL baby around. Next week begins the third trimester!


Rough week

At 26 weeks, I weighed in at 232 lbs. The doc told me I've now gained all that I was allotted to gain during the entire pregnancy. She told me to not drink soda (I don't), not eat fried foods (I don't) and not drink much juice (I only drink it to take my daily dose of fiber for necessary reasons).

In addition to that bad news, she also told me I will have to take the glucose test again in 6 weeks to make sure I haven't developed gestational diabetes.

I'm not having a good time this week.