
Happy Valentine's Day!

I'm a day late, but whatevs.

The hubs and I didn't do much last night. Some of the neighbors came over to meet the babe and we ate frozen pizza for dinner. We are classy like that.

I did take some filets out of the freezer from our half a cow, but we didn't have time to cook them because we had visitors coming. We cooked them tonight instead.

I did get a surprise gift from the hubs though. I'm on lockdown and can't really leave the house, so I didn't get him anything. He bought me a necklace with the baby's birthstone - garnet. I love it because the hubs said "this is for when you miss him when you go back to work, you'll always have something to hold on to." How sweet!! He's so good at romantic gifts and I completely suck. Luckily, he doesn't care about getting romantic gifts so we work out. :)