

The Possible New House, or PNH is being inspected on Tuesday. I drove by PNH today and took a bunch of photos of the outside of the house, along with some peering-through-the-blinds shots of the inside to show mom and dad when they return from Phoenix tonight. Its funny how I should be studying for my final tomorrow night, but instead I thought "I should really blog about looking at the PNH."

Should we get PNH, we close in a mere 26 days. I know that is too long for hubby, but I think it will go by pretty fast. We already have plans to see a Cardinal's game, watch his cousin get married and he's going to a coaching clinic, all before the PNH becomes The New House.

And now, a literal sneak peak into the PNH.

Seriously, House Hunter's... why haven't you called us? We could totally do the show now that we have our house picked out.

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