
Bandana's BBQ

After another weekend of working in the yard, we decided to get take out. We usually eat out on Friday or Saturday nights but don't usually on Sunday. Last night, we stayed in so I didn't feel so bad about eating out tonight. Especially considering we worked outside all day on our curb appeal and burning some of the bushes we cut down last year. After last weekend's monster bush was added to our "burn pile" we are starting to become "those people" so we had to work on burning some of it.

I'm rambling.

The point is that we ordered Bandana's for dinner and I was super impressed that the calorie count was listed next to every item on their carry out menu!!

I had already decided on my choice (turkey platter with corn and green beans) but it validated that I know what I'm doing when making food choices. I will happily support any business that decides to post calories willingly. I know it's required in some places like NYC, but here in the midwest that is a rare practice.

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