
Last Chance Workout

Tomorrow is the final weigh-in for the Biggest Loser competition at work. I'm not sure how I'm going to fall (obviously there's no yellow line) but I have a pretty good feeling it's not in first place. I organized a second session for another twelve weeks starting July 12, so I'll have another chance. I do feel a lot healthier now compared to when we started this session twelve weeks ago. And, I can run much farther.

Tonight on my last chance workout run, I observed several things:
  • I find it hilarious when old men tuck their plain white t-shirt into their gym shorts to work in the yard. It says "I'm out here to do business."
  • It's summer, so it's hot out. Thursday is trash day in my neighborhood, so people put their trash out on Wednesday nights. That's a smelly combo. 
  • I'm glad to see we are not the only ones with weeds.
  • I counted 10 houses for sale on the two-mile route through our neighborhood, and thought that looked pretty good. That's about 9 percent of the houses in our subdivision. We live close to a military base so we have a high turnover rate.

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